Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Annabelle Rose

Even though we chose not to find out whether we were having a boy or a girl, the hundreds of ladies who predicted boy somehow had me convinced.

There are not words to describe those first moments when we found you were our baby girl. I get weepy just thinking about it.

Oh Baby Girl, I pray that you continue this path throughout your life. 

Don't let anyone tell you who to be. 

You just be your precious little self.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Due Date

Came and went.

Oh well, at least I had a great lunch with my Pops!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Little Bean's Room

For all those people who think you have to know you're having a boy or a girl in order to decorate...this one's for you!

A few favorites that have been tucked away in our parents' closets for the past thirty years, some childhood photos, fun vintage blocks, a framed card that Jason gave me a few Valentine's Days ago, and a garage sale find that extends the nursery into the hallway...

And of course, Little Bean's future bestie waiting patiently for the arrival!

Monday, August 6, 2012


Jason and I are so blessed by the amazing kids we've had in our youth groups over the years. Hannah is one we hold near and dear to our hearts. We just had the sweetest, most relaxing visit with her in Salinas.

To top it off, she delivered a precious hand painted gift for Little Bean, name to be filled in on her next visit.

We love you Hannah!

Friday, August 3, 2012