Thursday, August 19, 2010

When Charlie Met Black Jack

Things didn't go so well.
Think we'll try again tomorrow!


  1. I was wondering how this was going to go!

  2. Yeah, we're trying to drain Charlie of all energy before trying again...took him to Carmel beach to run around this afternoon and now Chones is running him :) Mom & Dad adopted Black Jack who was a stray up in the mountains...he's starting to love his home in Spreckels...that was until Charlie showed up. Oops.

  3. Black Jack was loving having his "castle" to himself he is farmed out to the Scandretts for 5 days...hmmm...poor cat has had alot to adjust to in his short life...I hope he wants to come home after being at the Scandretts...they really love and spoil their cats...Black Jack may not want to come home:(
